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Saka är tacksam för allt stöd efter EM-finalen

Sakas första uttalande efter straffmissen

tor 15 jul 2021 kl 18:45

"Kärleken vinner alltid" avslutade Saka sitt meddelande när han gjorde sitt första uttalande sedan EM-finalen.

Det har gått några dagar sedan England förlorade EM-finalen och idag gjorde Bukayo Saka sitt första uttalande sedan besvikelsen. Det har inte bara varit besvikelsen som det innebär att förlora en EM-final utan som vi rapporterat tidigare har en hel del rasistisk skit drabbat Saka och de övriga två straffskyttarna som missade, Sancho och Rashford. Efter fyra dagar har nu Saka gjort sitt första uttalande. 

I ett inlägg på Instagram skriver han bland annat att han hållit sig borta från sociala medier för att tillbringa tid med sin familj. Han tackar för allt stöd som han har fått de senaste dagarna, och trycker på att det positiva har varit mer än det negativa, men tar ändå chansen att kritisera Facebook, Twitter och Instagram för att de inte bättre lyckas moderera sina plattformar.

Han säger också att han är otroligt besviken över straffmissen och han lovar att han kommer att komma tillbaka ännu starkare.

Hela meddelandet: 

"I have stayed away from social media for a few days to spend time with my family and reflect on the last few weeks. This message won’t do it justice how grateful I am for all the love that I have received, and I feel that I need to thank everyone who has supported me.

It was an honour to be part of an @England squad that leads by example, they are brothers for life and I’m grateful for everything that I have learnt from every one of the players and staff who worked so hard. To help that team reach our first final in 55 years, seeing my family in the crowd, knowing what they’ve given up to help me get there, that meant everything to me.

There are no words to tell you how disappointed I was with the result and my penalty. I really believed we would win this for you. I’m sorry that we couldn’t bring it home for you this year, but I promise you that we will give everything we’ve got to make sure this generation knows how it feels to win.

My reaction post match said it all, I was hurting so much and I felt like I’d let you all and my England family down, but I can promise you this.. I will not let that moment or the negativity that I’ve received this week break me.

For those who have campaigned on my behalf and sent me heartfelt letters, wished me and my family well - I’m so thankful. This is what football should be about. Passion, people of all races, genders, religions and backgrounds coming together with one shared joy of the rollercoaster of football.

To the social media platforms @instagram @twitter @facebook I don’t want any child or adult to have to receive the hateful and hurtful messages that me Marcus and Jadon have received this week. I knew instantly the kind of hate that I was about to receive and that is a sad reality that your powerful platforms are not doing enough to stop these messages.

There is no place for racism or hate of any kind in football or in any area of society and to the majority of people coming together to call out the people sending these messages, by taking action and reporting these comments to the police and by driving out the hate by being kind to one another, we will win.

Love always wins.

Bukayo Saka"