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Sagna har officiella meddelat att han lämnar Arsenal.

Sagna säger hej då till Arsenal

tor 12 jun 2014 kl 19:08

Det alla har förväntat sig skulle hända bekräftades nyss av huvudpersoner själv. Bacary Sagna lämnar Arsenal.

På sitt Instagramkonto meddelade nyss Bacary Sagna att han kommer att lämna Arsenal.
Så här skriver högerbacken:
"To be fair, i don't even know where to start or even how to say it... but i just wanna thank the whole Arsenal fc... a family to me , a club who taught me so much in 7years, a club where i had the chance to progress day by day, a club who always gave me his trust whenever i was personally not at my best , a club who change the kid i was to the man i am today, a club where i had the pleasure to give 200 pr cent every game. I wanna thank the whole staff working at the club, the fans for accepting me so fast, making it smoove for myself and my family, my team mates witch i consider my true friends today and i had a great pleasure learning with them. Of course i wanna thank the coach MR WENGER... who believed in me..gave me his trust..and clearly changed my life. Now, it's time for me to move on and one more time THANK YOU".

Sagna förväntas skriva på för Manchester City.