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Kroenke vill gärna se Arsenal i en europeisk superliga.

Arsenal säger ja till europeisk superliga

sön 18 apr 2021 kl 19:05

Arsenal tillsammans med fem andra engelska storklubbar har enligt rapporter sagt ja till europeisk superliga. Alla andra rasar. Premier League hotar med att de kommer kasta ut klubbarna om de joinar.

Det stora fotbollsbråket är igång på riktigt. För precis när matchen mellan Arsenal och Fulham tog slut började det sippra ut nyheter om att Arsenal tillsammans med Manchester United, Liverpool, Manchester City, Chelsea och Tottenham Hotspur sagt ja till att vara med i en europeisk superliga i fotboll. Det här fick fart på grejerna och det tog hus i helvete.
Inte långt senare kom kraftfulla uttalanden från UEFA och Premier League - där man hotade med ta till vad man kan för att stoppa det hela. Till och med att kasta ut klubbarna från alla inhemska tävlingar.

Totalt är det tolv storklubbar i Europa som är med på projektet som förväntas offentliggöras inom kort. Det precis före UEFA själva ska släppa sitt nya Champions League-format där 36 klubbar ska vara med och gruppspelet ska innehålla fler matcher än idag.
Tanken är inte att klubbarna ska lämna Premier League utan den europeiska superligan ska ersätta Europaspelet.
Men för att de engelska klubbarna ska kunna gå med måste de få okej från PL och det från styrelsen.
Det kan vi baserat på eftermiddagens uttalanden nog stryka direkt där man säger så här:

Premier League:

The Premier League condemns any proposal that attacks the principles of open competition and sporting merit which are at the heart of the domestic and European football pyramid.

Fans of any club in England and across Europe can currently dream that their team may climb to the top and play against the best. We believe that the concept of a European Super League would destroy this dream.

The Premier League is proud to run a competitive and compelling football competition that has made it the most widely watched league in the world. Our success has enabled us to make an unrivalled financial contribution to the domestic football pyramid.

A European Super League will undermine the appeal of the whole game, and have a deeply damaging impact on the immediate and future prospects of the Premier League and its member clubs, and all those in football who rely on our funding and solidarity to prosper.   

We will work with fans, The FA, EFL, PFA and LMA, as well as other stakeholders, at home and abroad, to defend the integrity and future prospects of English football in the best interests of the game.


UEFA, the English Football Association and the Premier League, the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) and LaLiga, and the Italian Football Federation (FIGC) and Lega Serie A have learned that a few English, Spanish and Italian clubs may be planning to announce their creation of a closed, so-called Super League.

If this were to happen, we wish to reiterate that we – UEFA, the English FA, RFEF, FIGC, the Premier League, LaLiga, Lega Serie A, but also FIFA and all our member associations – will remain united in our efforts to stop this cynical project, a project that is founded on the self-interest of a few clubs at a time when society needs solidarity more than ever.

We will consider all measures available to us, at all levels, both judicial and sporting in order to prevent this happening. Football is based on open competitions and sporting merit; it cannot be any other way.

As previously announced by FIFA and the six Federations, the clubs concerned will be banned from playing in any other competition at domestic, European or world level, and their players could be denied the opportunity to represent their national teams.

We thank those clubs in other countries, especially the French and German clubs, who have refused to sign up to this. We call on all lovers of football, supporters and politicians, to join us in fighting against such a project if it were to be announced. This persistent self-interest of a few has been going on for too long. Enough is enough.

Det är väldigt få supportrar som stödjer idén med en europeisk superliga och planen har fått massiv kritik. Sen får vi se om det här är ett sätt för storklubbarnas ägare att spela ut sina kort i den förhandling som pågår - där pengar, rättigheter och marknad är centrala begrepp.

Football Supporters' Association skriver så här i ett uttalande:

Following reports in the media today that 15 of Europe’s biggest clubs – including Manchester United, Manchester City, Liverpool and Chelsea from the Premier League – have agreed to form a breakaway European Superleague, the FSA issued the following statement:

“The FSA is totally opposed to the proposals which seek to create a breakaway ‘European Superleague’.

“The motivation behind this so-called superleague is not furthering sporting merit or nurturing the world’s game – it is motivated by nothing but cynical greed.

“This competition is being created behind our backs by billionaire club owners who have zero regard for the game’s traditions and continue to treat football as their personal fiefdom.

“The FSA, and no doubt supporters across the continent, will continue to fight against its creation.”